Mr. Rico Hizon
Senior Anchor and Director for Content Development
CNN Philippines
H.E. Mr. Yutaka Shoda
Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs
Ministry of the Environment, Japan
Mr. Kaveh Zahedi
Deputy Executive Secretary for Sustainable Development
UNESCAP and Co-Chair of the Issue-Based Coalition of Climate Change Mitigation and Air Pollution
Ms. Dechen Tsering
Regional Director and Representative
UNEP Asia and the Pacific Office
H.E. Mr. Malik Amin Aslam
Minister of Climate Change
Government of Pakistan
Ms. Sheila Aggarwal-Khan
Director, Economy Division
Mr. Yutaka Matsuzawa
Director General
Ministry of the Environment, Japan
Ms. Rosamund Kissi-Debrah
Founder and Executive Director, Ella Roberta Family Foundation
Ella Roberta Family Foundation
Dr. Karin Tuxen-Bettman
Senior Program Manager
Google Earth Outreach & Project Air View, Google, Inc.
Ms. Leslie Finlay
Ms. Antoinette Taus
National Goodwill Ambassador for the Philippines
Ms. Seonmi Choi
Climate and Environment Advisor
UNICEF East Asia Pacific
Dr. Vivian Pun
Air pollution epidemiologist
Vital Strategies
Mr. Manjeet Singh Saluja
National Professional Officer
WHO India Country Office
Mr. Nathanael Undas
Youth indigenous representative from Indonesia
Ms. Soma Dutta
Ms. Bulgantuya Khurelbaatar
MP and Chair of SDGs Sub-Standing Committee of the Parliament
Ms. Alexandra Galef
Sustainability Development Leader
Ms. Nguyen Hai Linh
Youth Engagement Programme Officer
Live & Learn for Environment and Community
Hon. Dyah Roro Esti Widya Putri
MP, Indonesia, and AQA Indonesia
Government of Indonesia
Ms. Caterina Meloni
Connecting Founders Co. Ltd.
Mr. Bert Fabian
Programme Officer -Sustainable Mobility Unit
Ms. Sonika Manandhar
Co-Founder and CTO
Aeloi Technology and Young Champion of the Earth for Asia Pacific 2019
Prof. Ye Wu
Vice Dean
Tsinghua University
Mr. Andy Pratomo
Head of Business Solutions
Ms.Pamela Chiang
Senior Transport Specialist, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department
Asian Development Bank
Mr. Loong Choon See
Deputy Director
National Electric Vehicle Centre, Land Transport Authority, Singapore
Ms. Gita Sabharwal
UN Resident Coordinator in Thailand
Dr. Supat Wangwongwatana
Senior Advisor
Thailand Environment Institute
Dr. Savitri Garivait
Chairperson of Environmental Division, The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment (JGSEE)
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
Mr. Samart Noivun
Director of Strategy and Planning Division
Office of the Cane and Sugar Board, Thailand
Ms. Thuy Le Thanh
Head of Project Management and Communication Division
Hanoi Environmental Protection Agency, Hanoi Department of Natural Resources and Environment
Mr. Vidyut Mohan
Co-founder of Takachar
2020 Young Champion of Earth from Asia Pacific
Ms. Merty Ilona
Head Division of Pollution and Environmental Damage Control
Environment Agency of Central Kalimantan
Mr. Worrawat Sriyook
Vice President, Corporate Sustainability
Mitr Phol Group
Dr. Markus Amann
APCAP Science Panel
Ms. Karma Yangzom
Principal Environment Specialist
Asian Development Bank
Ibu Vera Revina Sari
Acting Deputy Governor for Spatial Planning and Environment
DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Mr. Tetsuro Yoshida
Environmental policy adviser
Kawasaki Environmental Research Institute (KERI)
Mr. Dae-Geun Park
Director of Fine Dust Countermeasure Division
Gyeonggi Provincial Government
Mr. Robert Anthony Siy
Head of the City Transport Development and Management Office
Pasig City Philippines
Mr. Srinivasulu Krishnamurthy
Member Secretary, Indian Forest Service (I.F.S)
Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB)
Ms. Zipporah Goetze
Asia Pacific Clean Air Partnership (APCAP)
UNEP Asia and the Pacific Office
Mr. Toshiyuki Yamasaki
Director of International Cooperation in the Air and Water Quality Management
Ministry of Environment, Japan
Dr. Johan Kuylenstierna
Research Leader
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
Dr. Zbigniew Klimont
Research Group Leader
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Dr. Eric Zusman
Research Leader
Institute for Environmental Strategies (IGES)
Mr. Yasuo Takahashi
Executive Director
Ms. Hadika Jamshaid
Climate Change Specialist
Ministry of Climate Change, Pakistan
Ms. Siwaporn Rungsiyanon
Director of Transboundary Air Pollution
Pollution Control Department, Thailand
Mr. Chandath Him
Deputy Director, Air Quality and Noise Management
General Directorate of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Environment, Cambodia
Mr. François Carcel
Urban Mobility and Transport Specialist
Agence Française de Développement (AfD)
Dr. Drew Shindell
Special Advisor for Methane Action
Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC)
Mr. Zuhair Ahmed Kowshik
Regional Facilitator – Asia and the Pacific
Children and Youth Major Group to UN Environment Programme
Mr. Nathan Borgford-Parnell
Science Affairs Officer / Regional Assessment Initiative Coordinator
Climate and Climate Coalition
Ms. Nanticha Ocharoenchai
Climate Strike Thailand founder
Ms. Jasmin Irisha Jim Ilham
Climate and Environment Consultant/ Youth Expert
Mr. Ernest Kristoffer Gibson
Climate Activist, Pacific
Ms. Sophie Punte
Managing Director of Policy
We Mean Business Coalition
Ms. Isabelle Louis
Deputy Regional Director
UNEP Asia and the Pacific Office
Mr. James Grabert
Director, Mitigation Division and Acting Director, Communication and Engagement Division
United Nations Climate Change Secretariat
Mr. Myo-Zin Nyunt
Deputy Regional Director
UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office
Mr. Sung-Nam Park
Director General of Environment Bureau
Gyeonggi Province of the Republic of Korea